Medical oxygen and gas producti

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According to the directives of the  General Manager.... Two systems were established for the production of medical  oxygen gas and oxygen liquid in the lamps factory in Taji.


The machines were maintained and installed, and work is now to produce the required material to the beneficiary bodies represented by government and private hospitals, with a purity of up to (99.6) and a pressure of (110) bar as gas cylinders.

As for liquid oxygen, it is prepared with a purity of up to (99,6)


The station consists of an air compressor, a high cooling system, purifiers, and a coulomb unit (which isolates oxygen from the rest of the air components)

 The oxygen is withdrawn for the purpose of filling the cylinders or withdrawn to a special basin for the purpose of filling the liquid oxygen and sending it to the beneficiaries


Note that the product has a certificate of inspection from standardization and quality control, and the product is constantly checked to indicate the level of purity before sending it to the beneficiaries as it relates to the life of the patient

The two stations are similar in their respective units, and the difference is in the presence of a vaporizer that converts it from liquid to gas to fill the cylinders with gas... As for the liquid, it remains liquid without passing into the vaporizer


The production capacity of the factory is more than (500) gas cylinders per day with a capacity of (7) cubic meters.. As for liquid, the production capacity is more than (8000) liters per day ... knowing that work is underway to take advantage of the remaining gases as additional systems instead of pump it into the air it  was able to fill the shortage of oxygen gas, avoid importing it in hard currency, and bypass the oxygen gas crisis resulting from the Corona pandemic, according to the testimony of the Ministry of Health and the private sector.