The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries continues to supply hospitals with medical oxygen

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The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries, one of the companies of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, continues to provide hospitals with medical oxygen, with continuous follow-up by the company's general manager engineer Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri continued to work with the production of medical oxygen in Al-Masbah Factory in Al-Taji, which is affiliated with the company, to supply government hospitals with liquid and medical oxygen gas around the clock, even on official holidays, as the amount of supply (during December) reached (650) medical oxygen cylinders for the benefit of Karkh Health and (170,000) liters of medical oxygen liquid for the benefit of Rusafa Health. The company is constantly striving to increase production capacity in order to meet the local need and assign the Ministry of Health with medical oxygen and supply governmental and private hospitals and citizens in order to contribute to saving the lives of citizens