Giant display screens

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The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries, one of the companies of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, came up with the idea of entering the field of manufacturing indoor and outdoor giant display screens made of light-emitting diode (LED) By researching manufacturing technology

In the beginning, the technical specifications of this type of screen were recognized, and cooperation was made with (Fox Company), one of the Chinese companies specialized in this type, and the import of materials used in the production of two screens that were aggregation by the department staff in the company in the form of a large screen

There are two types of these screens, each of which has special specifications. External screens has the ability to resist external conditions such as rain, dust and high temperatures. They are equipped with cooling units for the purpose of reducing the temperatures arising inside the cabina  due to the consuming power of radioactive LEDs.

In terms of usage, it can be used in public squares and parks as a means of entertainment, in festivals, on rooftops or on public roads for traffic purposes to determine speed and directions.

There is a type that is placed on mobile wheels prepared for this purpose and It is rented for a specified period and it is installed in public squares for the purposes of advertising and publishing. Also, there are internal screens for use inside buildings, such as government ministries, hospitals, and exhibition halls to indicate the names.


  The company hopes in the near future to have an complete factory to produce this type of screens