Street and garden lighting systems

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The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries is progressing with its new production in the field of solar energy uses, where the street lighting system was manufactured using solar cells, which can be used in lighting main streets, public squares, car parks and lighting spaces around buildings, where the system works automatically without the need for manual operation and one of its most important products

1-  Solar lighting systems (100) watts (200) watts with a one-year warranty for the electronic components, three years for the battery and twenty years for the solar panels

2 - Household systems (3 amps-5 amps) and according to demand from the beneficiaries, that is, they are not included in the total production, but according to demand



Technical Specifications


1- Lighting Bracket

 2-  Solar cell (100) watt (200 watt)

3-  Charging battery (100) amp (200) amp

 4- charging regulator

 5-  Lamp (35) watts (55) watts (66) watts

 6-  Lighting pole (7) meters (9) meters