fire bottles

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powder bottles

Al-powder bottles used to extinguish the fires of the type (A) and (B) and (C)

Fire type (A)


They are fires that occur in solid materials such as wood, papers, clothing, rubber and some types of plastic. The best extinguishing materials that are used to extinguish this type of fire are water, as well as some powder extinguishers.

Fire type (B)


They are fires that occur in flammable liquid and gaseous materials such as car gasoline, kerosene, solvents, alcohols, and the best extinguishing materials used to extinguish this type of fire are: foam, carbon dioxide, halon, powder, and it is not preferable to use water to combat this type of fire It causes an increase in the spread of fire

Fire type (C)


They are fires that arise in equipment, devices and electrical equipment. Carbon dioxide, halon, and powder are used to extinguish these fires. Water or any other extinguishing materials that contain water, such as foam bottles, are not used at all to extinguish this type of fire, as water is a good conductor of electricity. It may cause electrocution to the person using the extinguisher

Bottles of foam

Bottles of foam used to extinguish the fire type (A) and (B) include these fires

Fire type (A)


They are fires that occur in solid materials such as wood, papers, clothing, rubber and some types of plastic. The best extinguishing materials used to extinguish this type of fire are water, as well as some dry powder extinguishers type (ABC) as well as foam bottles type (AB)

Fire type (B)


They are fires that occur in flammable liquid and gaseous materials such as car gasoline, kerosene, solvents, alcohols, and the best extinguishing materials used to extinguish this type of fire are:foam,carbon dioxide, halon, powder, and it is not preferable to use water to combat this type of fire It causes an increase in the spread of fire

Bottles of carbon dioxide


Carbon dioxide extinguishing bottles are used to extinguish type (B), (C) and (E) fires. These include fires

Fire type (B)

They are fires that occur in flammable liquid and gaseous materials such as car gasoline, kerosene, solvents, alcohols, and the best extinguishing materials used to extinguish this type of fire are: foam, carbon dioxide, halon, powder, and it is not preferable to use water to combat this type of fire It causes an increase in the spread of fire


Fire type (C)

They are fires that arise in equipment, devices and electrical equipment. Carbon dioxide, halon, and powder are used to extinguish these fires. Water or any other extinguishing materials that contain water, such as foam bottles, are not used at all to extinguish this type of fire, as water is a good conductor of electricity. It may cause electrocution to the person using the extinguisher


Fire type (E)

They are fires caused by electrical contact