The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries supplies some state departments with different types of materials

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In implementation of the directives of the General Manager of the company, Eng. Sufian Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, the company's cadres continued the processes of supplying the required materials to the beneficiaries, according to the concluded contracts. The Middle Electricity Company, Diwaniyah Governorate, was equipped with various electrical materials. 64) pieces of capacity (200) watts. Also, the Department of Seed Examination and Certification of the Ministry of Agriculture was equipped with powder fire extinguishers of different sizes, numbering (23) pieces. The Ministry of Oil, South Refineries Company, was equipped with air compressors, number (10) pieces, noting that the company conducts its necessary laboratory tests on Materials required by the Quality Control Department to ensure the accuracy of the specification before delivery