The Motors and Home Appliances Factory continues to work day and night to supply state departments with refrigerators and lighting fixtures

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With direct follow-up and guidance by Eng. Sufian Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, General Manager of the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries.... The company's motor and home appliances factory cadres continue to work during and after official working hours and during official holidays to collect (1200) air coolers in order to prepare them quickly The Ministry of Displacement and Migration to help our displaced brothers overcome the scorching summer heat




On the other hand, the cadres of the same factory collected mercury lighting fixtures inside the Akkad plant, with a number of (318) fixtures, and equipped them for the Baghdad Electricity Distribution Company, according to the contract concluded between the two parties.




Note that the senior management, represented by the esteemed Director General, always strives to meet the needs of the ministries and state departments as quickly as possible.