The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries supplies the North Oil Company with the Seal Seal product

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In implementation of the directives of the General Manager of the company, Eng. Sufian Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, the cadres working in the Al-Sail Stamp Factory continued to supply the North Oil Company with the entire contract quantity of the Al-Sail product, stamp (barcode) with a number of (200,000) two hundred thousand pieces of yellow color and in record time and before the expiry of the supply period agreed upon within the contract. concluded between the two parties



The product was examined in the quality control department before delivery to ensure the accuracy of the specification and its conformity with the conditions and standards of the Ministry of Oil.



Note that the senior management, represented by the respected Director General, is striving to meet the needs of the ministries and departments of the state as quickly as possible.