The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course on (Microsoft office _ Word Excel) to develop the skills of associates

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In implementation of the directives of the Director General of the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries, Eng. Majed Abdel Hussein, on the importance of providing working cadres with the latest information and technologies in the field of their functional specializations on an ongoing basis within an annual training plan. The Training Division of the Human Resources Department in the company organized a training course on (Microsof office _ Word Excel) for the period from 5/9 to 10/5/2021, starting from nine in the morning until twelve o'clock in the afternoon and in the training hall at the company's headquarters. With the aim of accelerating job titles for them, because it is considered one of the important and basic conditions for changing titles. With the organizer's emphasis on adhering to the conditions of health prevention and social distancing in order to preserve the public interest.

Editing: Suha Hassan

Media and public relations