For the third day in a row, the Women's Empowerment Committee at the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries is holding an awareness seminar on hemorrhagic fever for the company's female employees

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Under the auspices of the company's general manager, Eng. Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, and the supervision of the director of the Engineering Inspection and Occupational Safety Department and the chairperson of the Women's Empowerment Committee, Engineer Lamia Jaafar, and in cooperation with the Human Resources Department / Training Division, a seminar was held on the third and last day on hemorrhagic fever for female employees in the event hall at the company's headquarters


During the symposium, the chairwoman of the committee explained to the audience the symptoms of this dangerous viral disease, the causes of infection, the methods of infection, the complications of the disease, the importance of prevention, and how infection can be avoided through a detailed explanation with explanatory messages.


Disseminate this information and recommendations in the work environment and in homes in order to take precautions and beware of the spread of the disease, while emphasizing that the company's goal in holding these successive seminars over a period of three days is to contribute to spreading health awareness among members of society in order to preserve the safety of all.