The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course for contract employees who have been appointed to the permanent staff on the State Employees Discipline Law and the Civil Service Law

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In implementation of the directives of Engineer Sufian Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, General Manager of the company, regarding the need to develop the skills of working cadres, especially modern ones.



The Human Resources Management Department / Training and Rehabilitation Division organized a training course under the title (State Employees Discipline Law and Civil Service Law) at the company's headquarters for a period of one week and in the event hall. Detailed information for the participants in the course and shed light on some of the legal aspects that every employee must pay attention to while performing his job duties within the conditions and laws of the governmental institution in which he works, with the organizing party emphasizing the importance of the course and adopting its results as a basis for securing the employee on permanent staffing after the end of the probationary period



Note that the company continues to provide employees with the latest scientific developments in the field of their functional specializations by holding courses in various fields throughout the year in order to reach high-quality products that meet the needs of the local market.