The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course for contract employees who have been appointed to permanent staff

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Based on the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Industry and Minerals, Dr. Engineer Khalid Battal Al-Najm, and in implementation of the directives of the Company’s General Manager, the respected Eng. Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, of the necessity of developing the skills of working cadres, especially modern ones... The Human Resources Management Department/Training and Qualification Division organized a training course under the title ( Basics in the culture of using computers, peripherals, and information security) at the company’s headquarters and for a week in the event hall from nine in the morning until eleven in the afternoon



The course lecturers were Mr. Diaa Adriol Ghadban and Mr. Haitham Abdullah Ramadan. Both lecturers explained the basics of using the computer and shed light on some aspects that can be used in the employee’s work and developing his skills, which every employee should pay attention to and consider the topic extremely important, with the organizing body emphasizing the importance of The course and its results are approved as a basis for appointing the employee to permanent employment after the end of the trial period



Note that the company continues to provide employees with the latest scientific developments in the field of their job specializations by holding courses in various fields throughout the year to serve the public interest.