The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes the basic training course in occupational safety

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The Company’s General Manager, Engineer Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, personally inspected the special training course in occupational safety, which was organized by the Human Resources Department/Training Division and in coordination with the Occupational Inspection and Safety Department and starts from nine in the morning until eleven in the afternoon in the event hall at the company’s headquarters


  The course lecturer was engineer (Lamia Jaafar Kashoush), Director of the Engineering Inspection and Occupational Safety Department, who in turn explained to the trainees the importance of taking preventive measures for the environment surrounding the work. They must be familiar with the conditions for preventing potential risks and how to act during emergency situations to enhance the awareness aspect among employees and prepare precautionary plans to avoid and control accidents. With the aim of reducing losses and preserving and developing the company’s resources, the regulator confirms that passing the occupational safety course for employees in all departments is considered essential for the purposes of promotion and promotion, followed by specialized courses, noting the commitment to the rules and conditions of social distancing while attending the course


Note that the senior management, represented by the honorable General Manager, always emphasizes the necessity of providing workers with information and techniques in the field of occupational safety to reduce human and material losses within an annual training plan