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Training Courses


The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes the basic training course in occupational safety

The Company’s General Manager, Engineer Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, personally inspected the special training course in occupational safety, which was organized by the Human Resources

The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course for the company’s employees

  Based on the commitment of the company’s senior management, represented by the company’s General Manager, Engineer Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, to meet one of the

The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries holds a specialized training course in financial affairs

In implementation of the directives of the Company’s General Manager, Engineer Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, on the need to develop the employees of the Company’s

The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course for members of the Financial Affairs Department

In the presence of Engineer Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, General Manager of the company...the Human Resources Management Department/Training and Qualification Division, in cooperation with the

The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course for contract employees who have been appointed to permanent staff

In implementation of the directives of the company’s General Manager, Engineer Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, on the necessity of developing the skills of working cadres,

The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course for contract employees who have been appointed to permanent staff

Based on the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Industry and Minerals, Dr. Engineer Khalid Battal Al-Najm, and in implementation of the directives of

The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course for contract employees who have been appointed to the permanent staff on the State Employees Discipline Law and the Civil Service Law

In implementation of the directives of Engineer Sufian Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, General Manager of the company, regarding the need to develop the skills of working

The General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes a training course for contract employees who have been appointed to the company's permanent staff on public relations and correct job behavior

In implementation of the directives of the general manager of the company, Eng. Sufian Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, regarding the need to develop the skills of

For the third day in a row, the Women's Empowerment Committee at the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries is holding an awareness seminar on hemorrhagic fever for the company's female employees

Under the auspices of the company's general manager, Eng. Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, and the supervision of the director of the Engineering Inspection and Occupational

The Women's Empowerment Committee in the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries organizes the educational symposium, for the second day in a row, on first aid for the company's female employees

Under the auspices of the General Manager of the company, Eng. Sufyan Fawzi Shaalan Al-Jubouri, and the supervision of the Director of the Engineering Inspection
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